Ann Johns: We are excited to discuss your contributions to the Central Park Conservancy. To start, what motivated you to support this organization?

Michael Shvartsman: Central Park holds a special place in my heart. It’s not just a green space but a sanctuary that provides respite to millions of people. Supporting the Central Park Conservancy allows me to contribute to preserving and enhancing this iconic park for future generations.

Ann Johns: Central Park is indeed an iconic location. What specific projects or initiatives within the Conservancy have you supported?

Michael Shvartsman: We’ve focused on a variety of projects, from maintaining the park’s landscapes to funding educational programs. One notable initiative is the restoration of the park’s playgrounds, ensuring they are safe and accessible for children. We’ve also supported horticultural projects that maintain the park’s diverse plant life and beautify the space for visitors.

Ann Johns: How do you see the impact of these projects on the community?

Michael Shvartsman: The impact is profound. Central Park is a gathering place for people from all walks of life. By enhancing and maintaining the park, we’re providing a space where families can enjoy nature, children can play safely, and the community can come together. It’s about creating a better quality of life and fostering a sense of community pride.

Ann Johns: What personal experiences have shaped your passion for supporting Central Park?

Michael Shvartsman: Growing up in a city, parks were a place where I could escape the hustle and bustle and connect with nature. Those moments of tranquility and enjoyment in the park left a lasting impression on me. I want to ensure that others can have similar experiences and that the park remains a green oasis amidst the urban landscape.

Ann Johns: Can you share any challenges you’ve encountered while supporting the Conservancy, and how you overcame them?

Michael Shvartsman: One challenge is ensuring that the support is impactful and aligns with the Conservancy’s long-term goals. We’ve addressed this by maintaining open communication with the Conservancy team and understanding their needs. By working closely with them, we can identify the most effective ways to contribute and ensure that our efforts make a real difference.

Ann Johns: How do you think businesses can play a role in supporting public spaces like Central Park?

Michael Shvartsman: Businesses have a significant role to play in supporting public spaces. By investing in these areas, companies can contribute to the well-being of their communities. It’s about recognizing that these spaces enhance the quality of life for employees, customers, and residents. Collaborations between businesses and organizations like the Central Park Conservancy can lead to meaningful improvements and foster a stronger sense of community.

Ann Johns: What advice would you give to other business leaders looking to support public spaces?

Michael Shvartsman: Start by understanding the needs of the community and the organizations that manage these spaces. Engage with them, listen to their challenges, and identify how your resources can best be utilized. It’s important to view these contributions as long-term commitments rather than one-time donations. Consistent support can lead to sustainable improvements and lasting benefits.

Ann Johns: How do you balance your business responsibilities with your philanthropic efforts?

Michael Shvartsman: Balancing business and philanthropy is about integrating them into your overall strategy. I ensure that my team shares our commitment to giving back, and we incorporate our philanthropic goals into our business planning. Time management and delegation are also key. By having a dedicated team focused on our philanthropic efforts, we can ensure that both our business and charitable activities receive the attention they deserve.

Ann Johns: Looking ahead, what are your hopes for the future of Central Park and the Conservancy?

Michael Shvartsman: I hope to see Central Park continue to thrive as a cherished public space. My vision includes more educational programs, enhanced accessibility, and ongoing conservation efforts to protect the park’s natural beauty. I believe that with continued support, the Conservancy can achieve these goals and ensure that Central Park remains a beloved destination for generations to come.

Ann Johns: Thank you for sharing your insights and your dedication to Central Park, Michael. It’s inspiring to see how your contributions are making a difference.

Michael Shvartsman: Thank you. It’s a privilege to support such an important cause, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to make a positive impact on a place that means so much to so many.